Denton War Memorial

Victoria Park, Victoria St, Denton
In Jun 1919, Denton Urban District Council resolved to compile a roll of all those who served their country in the Great War. Enumerators were sent round the district to collect the names and details of all those who had served. Residents were also asked to write to the council with details.

A competition was then held for the design of a suitable memorial, which resulted in two designs being short-listed. One was by James J Hirst, a monumental mason of Market St, Denton, and the other was by Arnold Radcliffe, son of Clarence Radcliffe of Messrs Radcliffe & Ogden, Hat Manufacturers, of Howard Lane, Denton. As the council was unable to choose between the two designs, the £30 prize was shared between them and parts of both designs were adopted.

James J Hirst built the memorial, which is grey in colour and 20-feet high. Four steps lead up to the memorial on each side. The front panel is flanked by '1914' and '1918', each year being surrounded by a wreath. As built, an inscribed bronze plaque was attached to the base of the column at the front but this was stolen in c.1978 and never recovered. It was replaced by a tablet with the same inscription.

The memorial commemorates the sacrifice of the 387 men of Denton and Haughton who lost their lives during the Great War. It was unveiled by Austin Hopkinson JP MP (Mossley Constituency) on the 23 Jul 1921 and then dedicated by the Reverend Captain Robert Dallas Blackledge MC†, Curate of Christ Church, supported by other members of the clergy.

Austin Hopkinson JP MP.
†The award of a Military Cross to Captain Robert Dallas Blackledge was published in the Manchester Grammar School Magazine of the Old Mancunians’ Association in Feb 1917: Captain Robert Dallas Blackledge, Highland Light Infantry, has been awarded a Military Cross for distinguished service in the field. He joined the Army as a private in Sep, 1914, in the Royal Scots, and was at that time at Cambridge studying for holy orders. He was given a commission, and afterwards promoted to captain in his present regiment. His younger brother (William Gregson Blackledge) died at a British military hospital about a year ago.

Memorial & Inscription

Denton War Memorial, 1921.

The memorial is seen here shortly after the unveiling and dedication ceremony in 1921. The original inscribed bronze plaque can be seen at the base of the column.


Denton War Memorial, Jul 2005.

Denton War Memorial, 11 Nov 2018.
Credit: F Oliver.

Roll of Honour:

A ACKLEY Harold ACTON John ADSHEAD George Willie ADSHEAD William AINSWORTH Frank AINSWORTH Herbert AINSWORTH William ALLCOCK Joseph ANDERSON Tempest ANDREW Harry ANDREW John Willie ARRANDALE Benjamin ARTINGSTALL John Albert ARTINGSTALL William Gardner ASHLEY George AVISON John Robert AXON Albert Edward B BAGNALL Frederick William BAGNALL Harry James BAGSHAW Cyril Robert BARDSLEY Albert BARDSLEY Edwin BARLOW Percy BASNETT Joseph BASON Alfred BEARD Arthur BEARD Joseph BEELEY Herbert BELLRINGER (See DAWSON T B) BENNETT James BENNETT Walter BERESFORD James BERRY Richard BESWICK William BILSBURY George Edward BINNS James BIRCHENHOUGH Harry BIRD Arthur BIRKBY Edward Eric BLACKLEDGE William Gregson BOARDMAN Fred BOARDMAN William Ernest BOON Ernest DCM BOON William Henry BOOTH Clarence BOOTH Frank BOOTH Mark BOOTH Norman Hartley BOOTH William BOSTOCK James Arnold BOSWELL Augustine BOWDEN Jonas BOWERS Edward BRADBURN Anthony BRADBURN Josiah BRADBURY Arnold BRADDOCK Fred BRADDOCK Herbert BRADDOCK Percy BRIDGE Harold BROAD Alfred Bentley BROMLEY Charles BROMLEY Percy BROOK James Allan BROOM William BROOME William BROWN Horace BROWN Solomon BURGESS Harry BURT William C CALLAGHAN Edward CALLAGHAN Thomas MM & Bar* CALLAGHAN Thomas Jr* CARRINGTON John CARTER George CARTER Robert MM CARVELL John CATLOW Harry CATLOW Harry CATLOW Hartley Pollard CATLOW Samuel CHANDLER Harry CHANDLER Joseph CHEETHAM Henry CHORLTON William CHRISTOPHER William CLARK Henry CLARKE Joshua CLAYSON Louis Vincent CLIFFE Peter James COLLIS Sydney Herbert CONDON John MM COOKE John Alfred COOKE John Wright COOPER Fred COOPER James Henry COOPER Wright COSTELLO John COTTERHILL Samuel CRABTREE Edwin CRESSWELL Harry CROWTHER Joseph Henry CULLEY Herbert CULLEY Herbert CURTIS Roland William D DALEY William Joseph MM & Bar DAVENPORT Charles DAVENPORT Thomas DAVIES Albert DAVIES Arnold DAVIES Arthur* DAVIES George DAVIES George Leonard DAVIES Philip Leonard DAVIES Samuel DAVISON Harold DAWSON Tom Bellringer DAY Fred DEAN Arthur DEAN Frederick John MM DENNELLY Alfred DICKIN William Ewart DIGGLE Henry/Harry DIGGLE John/Jack DOUGLAS Fred DOUGLAS John Wilson DOWNS Albert Edward DOWNS James DOWNS John William DOWNS William Thorp DRINKWATER David DUDLEY Herbert DUNCAN Harry DUNKERLEY Tom DYSON Rupert Leopold DYSON William E EADES William EARNSHAW James EARNSHAW Joseph Harold EASTWOOD Alfred EATON Arnold EATON John EATON Percy MM EATON Wilfred ELLIOT Ernest Haden ELLIOT Frank ELLOR John F FAULKNER Arthur FAULKNER James FENN Harry FERNLEY Percy FIDLER John MM FLINDLE James FOLLOWS Harry FOLLOWS James FRANCE Albert FRANCE Charles FRANCE Harold FRANCE John FRASER John R FYFE Joseph Kelsall* G GANSON Herbert GANSON James GARDINER Harry GASKELL Randell GATKIRK Albert (GATHRICK) GEE George GIBBONS Harry GIBBONS Ralph Arthur MM GILBEY Thomas GRAHAM John Thomas GRAHAM Percy GRANT Thomas Henry GRAYSON Thomas GREENHOUGH George William GRICE Wilfred Boden GROVES Joseph Lewis GROVES Thomas GURNEY Walter Richard H HADFIELD Norman HALLWORTH Walter HAMPSON Frank HANCOCK William Lucian HARBACH Charles Evan HARDY Charles HARDY Harold HARRISON John HARRISON Leonard HARRISON Samson HARRISON William HARTLEY Arnold HARTY Horace HAWKINS William MM HAWLEY John Edward HEGINBOTTOM John HIGGINBOTTOM Amos Booth HIGGINS Frank HILL Enoch HILL Joseph HIRST Tom HOLDEN Herbert HOPWOOD James HORSFALL James HOUGH Joseph HOWARD Harry MM (Sjt) HOWARD Harry (Pte) HOWARD Raymond HOWARD Samuel HUDSON Albert HUGHES Thomas George HULME John HULME Samuel HURLEY Vincent Patrick HURST Charles I INGHAM Alfred INMAN Wilfred J JACKSON Robert William JACKSON Walter JACKSON W JOHNSON Thomas JENKINS J E* JONES George JONES Henry K KAVANAGH Daniel KAVANAGH Thomas KELLY Edward KEMP Edward KEYWORTH Frederick Burgess MM & Bar KEYWORTH William KILLELAY Harry KNOWLES Abel KNOWLES Harry KNOWLES James KNOWLES William L LANGAN Anthony LEVER Samuel LOMAX Albert LONGDEN Alfred Beaver LOWE Fred LOWE James* LOWERSON Harry Beech M McDONALD Lewis (Louis) McDOUGALL Harry MADEW Arthur William MAGSON John MAGSON William MALLALIEU Leo Sebastian MALPAS Ellis MANWARING James MANWARING James Jnr MARGERISON Edward MARLOR Charles Edward MARSH William MARTIN Samuel MASON Herbert MAUDE James MAY William MIDDLEMISS George MIDDLETON Joseph MOORE H* MOORES Percy (aka MOORE) MOORES John Samuel MOORES Wilfred Stanley MOOREWOOD Edward Hugh MORRELL Eli MORRELL William Arthur MOSS Leonard George MOULT James William MYATT Samuel Yates N NADIN Joseph NEAL Harold NEWHAM James NEWHAM Thomas NIXON Frank O OAKLEY Eli OGDEN Joseph OGDEN Thomas Ernest* OLDFIELD Allan OLDHAM Herbert OLDHAM Tom Cyrus OWEN Henry P PARKES Daniel PARKES Samuel PEARSON Fred PENDERGAST Harold PINNINGTON William PLATT Jesse PRESTON Philip PROCTER Herbert William R RADFORD John RAYNER Percy REDFERN Benjamin REDFERN Edwin REDFERN William RENSHAW Alec RENSHAW James Henry RICHARDSON Hedley RIDGWAY Samuel RIVERS Oswald Edward ROBERTS Arthur William ROBERTS Isaac Henry MM ROGERS George ROONEY Samuel ROUTLEDGE John ROWARTH Edwin ROWBOTHAM Samuel S SAMPLE Charles SAMUELS Edward SAXTON Harold Percy SAYNOR Charles Edward SCHOFIELD James SCHOFIELD Wentworth SCHOOLDEN Julien John SEDDON Albert SEDDON Harold SHAW Booth SHAW Henry Hubert SHEARS Harry SIDEBOTHAM Harry MM SIDEBOTHAM Harry SIDEBOTHAM Thomas SKIRVIN Edward SKIRVIN Norman SLEIGH Frank SMITH James SMITH John SMITH Leonard SMITH Whitham STAINTHORPE Fred STANSFIELD John STENTON Tom STEVENS Harry STOPFORD Albert STOPFORD George Henry STOTT James SWARBRICK Joseph SWINDELLS Frank SWINDELLS Thomas T TAYLOR Fred TAYLOR Harry TAYLOR James TAYLOR Thomas TAYLOR William THATCHER James THEWLIS Frank MC THICKETT Frank DCM THREADGOLD Harry TOMLINSON Charles TONKIN John Ife TURNER Samuel V VAUGHAN Charles John VICKERS Thomas W WAGSTAFFE George WAGSTAFFE Samuel WALKER Lewis WALKER William WALKER William WARD Arnold WARD William WARHURST Samuel Taylor WATSON Percy WEBB Joseph H WELLS Fred WESTON Charles Edwin WHITEHEAD Harry WHITEHEAD Herbert WHITEHEAD John Pollitt WHYATT Joseph WILD John Tudor WILDE Frederick* WILDE Handel WILDE John WILDE Joseph WILDE William WILKINSON Thomas WILLIAMS George Albert WILLIAMS Harry WILLIAMS William WILLIAMSON George WILLIS Russell WILSON James WILSON Robert Lawrence WISEMAN John WOOLFENDEN Ronald MM WOOLLAM John WRIGHT Wilfrid John Y YATES Ellis YEARSLEY James

*Nine names added later and placed after the letter 'Y'.

Rolls of Honour (RoH), Awards & Prisoners of War (PoW)

Supplementary Memorial Plaque

Denton War Memorial is listed Grade II, List Entry No. 1430008.

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Denton War Memorial
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King's Head Hotel
Jolly Hatters Inn
Nurses Home & Lees House Farm
Moores Hat Factory
J Woolfenden & Co
Broadbent's Hat Works (BHW)
J Bromley & Co and Moores, Birkby & Brown
Charles Clermont's Hat Works
Turner, Atherton & Co Ltd
George Shaw & Partners Ltd
Oldham & Son Ltd
John Brown (Denton) Ltd
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Old Post Office
Duke Street Elementary School
Sutton & Co (Road Hauliers)
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Old Police Station
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