Newspaper Notices & Reports
concerning the Peak Forest Canal
Notice | Derby Mercury, 27 Nov 1800
WANTED, by the Company of Proprietors of the
Peak Forest Canal
ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY strong and able MEN, to work in the Limestone Quarries, at the head of the Peak Forest Railway, near Chapel-en-le-Frith, in Derbyshire;
very handsome wages will be given, and every exertion will be used by the Company to render the situation comfortable to the Workmen, and to provide Lodgings and Provisions upon the lowest terms.
Application must be made at the Quarries, to GERMAN WHEATCROFT, Agent to the Company.
NB: As a further encouragement, a quart of good wholesome ale per day will be allowed to each workman, over and above his wages; and a Flannel Waistcoat and Trousers
will be given to such Workmen as may contract for working by the piece.
Notice | Derby Mercury, 13 Mar 1806
Regular and Expeditious Conveyance of Goods
between Chapel-en-le-Frith and Manchester
GEORGE BROMLEY hereby informs the Public, that since the completion of the Peak Forest Canal, by the opening of the Locks at Marple, he has established a number of Fly-Boats,
by which Goods are regularly conveyed between Chapel-en-le-Frith and Manchester, and all the intermediate places, every day (Sundays excepted).
Merchandise | Between Chapel-en-le-Frith & Manchester | Between Whaley-Bridge & Manchester |
Hardware, Cotton, &c | 6d per cwt | 5d per cwt |
Steel in Bars, Iron, Anvils, and Cast Iron Goods | 5d per cwt | 4d per cwt |
Lead, Pig Iron, Bone, Horns, Hoofs, and Hides | 4½d per cwt | 3½d per cwt |
Malt per Load | 1s | 9d |
Merchandise from Manchester to Ashton-under-Lyne, 3d per cwt.
Ditto from Manchester to Hyde-lane, 3½d per cwt.
Ditto from Manchester to Marple, 4d per cwt.
All Goods delivered at the Canal Company's Warehouses at Chapel-en-le-Frith and Whaley, for Liverpool, Manchester, Ashton-under-Lyne, Stockport, Oldham, Rochdale,
&c. will be regularly forwarded, and delivered fully as expeditious as by any other Conveyance; and on the contrary, Goods arriving by the Canal at Chapel and Whaley, for places at a distance,
will be forwarded by the regular Land Carriers, at the usual prices.
Letters addressed to Mr GERMAN WHEATCROFT, Chapel-en-le-Frith;
Mr GEORGE BROMLEY, Whaley-Bridge;
Mr JAMES MARSH, at the Ashton Canal Office, Manchester; or
Mr ROWBOTHAM, Canal Office, Marple, will be duly attended to.
February 19, 1806
Notice | Liverpool Times, 3 & 17 Sep 1813
The same advertisement was also carried by the Manchester Times during 1813.
Notice is hereby Given
That the Company of Proprietors of the Peak Forest Canal are enabled to supply the Public with Limestone of the best quality that can be procured in the county of Derby,
and to deliver the same into the boats at Bugsworth at 2s 6d per ton.
And that Farmers and others may be supplied with Lime of the first quality for agricultural and other purposes, on the lowest possible terms,
by the different Limeburners, who will deliver the same upon all part(s) of the Peak Forest Canal, the Manchester, Ashton-under-Line, and Oldham Canal,
the Huddersfield Canal, the Rochdale Canal, and the Bridgewater Canal.
By order
Clerks to the Company
Notice | Derby Mercury, 16 Jun 1830
To be SOLD or Let on LEASE, or from year to year
A valuable COTTON MILL four stories high, 86 feet long and 38 feet wide, worked by a powerful stream having a 20 feet fall, situate at BUGSWORTH,
in the county of Derby, adjoining the upper end of the Peak Forest Canal, and within half a mile of the Road from Buxton to Stockport, 10 miles from the latter and 7 from the former.
Also a substantial Dwelling House called BUGSWORTH HALL, with outbuildings and Gardens; two smaller Dwelling Houses, two cottages, and 79 Acres of Land.
And to be Sold, a Valuable STEAM ENGINE, 32½ Inch Cylinder.
For further particulars apply to Messrs Mousley and Barber, Derby;
Mr R P Weddall, Selby, Yorkshire; or to Messrs Satterfield and Cresswell, Piccadilly, Manchester.
Report | Manchester Times, 14 Dec 1878
The boatmen in the employment of the Peak Forest Canal Company* and its various branches have received an intimation that at an early date their earnings
will be reduced at the rate of 5s per boat weekly. The lime boats have also been notified of a reduction of 3s per boat. In the quarries, both at Bugsworth and Doveholes, the pavier getters and the limestone getters
have received notice of a reduction of 2d per ton in their next payment, about Christmas. Already the labourers and other employees have been reduced at the rate of 1s per week.
*By this time the canal company was owned by the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company.
Report | Derby Mercury, 17 Dec 1890
Considerable alarm was caused on Sunday afternoon (14 Dec 1890) in the New Mills district by the bursting of the Peak Forest Canal, belonging to the
Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company. Most of the way from New Mills to Whaley Bridge the towing path of the canal is on an embankment, which, in some places, is narrow. About ten yards in length of the
embankment and towing path gave way at one point near the village of Furness Vale, and the canal, for a length of two miles was speedily drained. The water rushed with tremendous force into the Goyt Valley below,
thus causing the river to be greatly swollen. Fortunately no damage was done to house property, there being no buildings near the place where the embankment gave way.
Notice | The London Gazette, 19 Jul 1901
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, James Potts and George Potts, carrying on business as Carriers by Canal,
at Spring Side, Dukinfield, in the county of Chester, under the style or firm of James Potts and Son, has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the seventeenth day of July, 1901. All debts due to and owing by the
said late firm will be received and paid by the said George Potts, who for the future will carry on the business on his own account, under the style of
James Potts and Son. - Dated this 17th day of July, 1901.
The business address for James Potts and Son, Carriers by Canal, is given as Spring Side, Dukinfield.
This was on the towpath side of the Lower Peak Forest Canal just beyond the Tame Aqueduct and immediately before the MS&LR Bridge (Stalybridge Branch) over the canal.
There were no boat mooring or maintenance facilities on the towpath side of the canal hereabouts but it is feasible that the drydock on Garforth's Private Branch, on the opposite side of the canal, could have been used for maintenance purposes.
It is known that two boats were supplied to James Potts and Son by William Nurser & Sons, Boat Builders and Tarpaulers, situated at Braunston Wharf near Rugby.
These were James (early 1910) and Eric (Sep 1910).