Denton Cemetery

Cemetery Rd, off Stockport Rd, Denton
The original grounds of the cemetery were over 11 acres in extent and it was opened on the 4 Aug 1894. The opening ceremony was reported in the Manchester Times on the 10 Aug 1894:

A New Cemetery at Denton A new cemetery was dedicated and opened at Hulme's Wood, Stockport Rd, Denton, on Saturday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Mr Lees Broadbent Chairman of the Cemetery Committee of the Denton Local Board. None of the local Church of England clergy, with the exception of the Revd D Rowe of St Lawrence's, were present, this being in consequence of the refusal of the Local Board to allow any portion of the cemetery to be consecrated until the existing law is altered.

The first Registrar was William Wildman and he was resident at Cemetery Lodge.

Cemetery entrance with the lodge on the right, 2001.

Left: Cemetery Chapel viewed from the cemetery entance, early 20th century.
Right: Cemetery Chapel viewed looking towrds the cemetery entance, early 20th century.
Left, Cemetery Chapel, & right, Denton Cemetery, Nov 2009.

Rolls of Honour and War Memorials ยป Denton Cemetery