Stockport Road Smithy

The smithy was situated next door the the Nottingham Castle on the corner of Inman St. Slater's Trade Directory for 1903 records that Ralph Brown was the Blacksmith and by 1909 it was Squire Duckworth who was also the proprietor of the Nottingham Castle. In 1911 the Blacksmith was George Robert Teggin but in 1919 the business of D Flowers & Son was established.

David Flowers and his son, Percy, were responsible for changing the business from a smithy to a garage for the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, as well for the sale of petrol. This change was inevitable as the introduction of motor vehicles brought about a decline in the use of horse-drawn carts.

Percy Flowers was born at Audenshaw in 1896 and he married Elsie Maynard at St Stephen's Church, Audenshaw, in 1918. He died in 1956, aged 60 years.

Stockport Road Smithy.